Event Detail

  Event has started, it is no longer possible to enroll.
Start Date/Time: Saturday, June 3, 2023 12:00 PM
End Date/Time: Saturday, June 3, 2023 12:30 PM
Recurring Event: One time event
Weekend / Beginner Skill
Event Photos:
Event Report:

PACK Tournament 2023 



Location: Marlin Pavilion at San Luis Pass County Park at: 14001 CR 257 (Blue Water Highway) Freeport, TX 77541

Eligible Tournament Participants: PACK Members Only.

COST: All anglers must register for the tournament to be eligible for prizes. Prize Sponsors and non-competitors are encouraged attend the weigh-in. Park entry and parking are free.  Weigh-in will start at 12:30 pm as they check in with tournament officials and end at 1:30 pm.

1.        PACK Member –Current Status:  Registration for the Tournament. by June 3, 2023.

Note: A PACK member is a person whose PACK dues, and event waiver are current. We'll contact all registrants if there are any concerns.

   2.        New - PACK Member joining on or before Thursday June 1, 2023. 

Our Donors: 




1st Place through 3rd Place in each catagory, starting with Trout, Redfish, then Flounder.

* - A true SLAM shall consist of 1 Trout, 1 Redfish, and 1 Flounder with the heaviest being first. In case no complete SLAM(s) are entered, the method for determining places shall be by total weight of fish entered with first heaviest Trout, Redfish, Flounder, then second heaviest Trout, Redfish, Flounder, then third heaviest Trout, Redfish, Flounder.

NOTE: As per TPWD regulations:  No more than one spotted sea trout (a.k.a. Speckled Trout) over the stated maximum length of 25" may be retained per person per day and counts as part of the daily bag and possession limit.

** - Redfish shall be within the legal slot limit of 20" to 28".  Tagged redfish are ineligible for prizes.

WINNER ELIGIBILITY: Each Angler will be eligible to win only one place per fish.  Maximum of one placing per fisherman.

In case of a tie, in any category, the angler who checks in first at the weigh-in is the winner. Tournament Officials will determine if a tie exists.


  • SAFETY: All Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and United States Coast Guard regulations shall be followed at all times. In addition, each participant shall be required to comply with these regulations such as use of PFD, proper lights, whistle (or other approved device) and any other regulations not specifically listed herein. Anyone found not in compliance shall be disqualified.

  • PARTICIPATION: All anglers must have or share a canoe or kayak. There are no doubles or team categories in this tournament. A non-motorized canoe or kayak is the only transportation allowed on the water. (paddle or pedal driven) Piggybacking or mother-shipping with powerboat or use of other motorized craft (i.e., jetski) is not allowed.   Wade-fishing from canoe or kayak is allowed, fishing from pier or jetty is not allowed. 

  • CAPTAINS MEETING: No Captains Meeting, once you have signed up and paid on or before June 1, 2023 you are eligible to start fishing at designated time. There is no “Day Before or Day of the Tournament” registration. Weigh-in will start at 12:30 pm and end at 1:30 pm.

  • FISHING BOUNDARIES: All Public Texas Inshore Coastal Bays. Offshore waters, including jetties, rock breakwaters, beyond the breakers and the surf zone (any Gulf-facing waters), are considered Out of Bounds. If fishing San Luis Pass, contestants must not fish past the San Luis Pass bridge.

The rules are basically the same and subject to editing at any time by the Tournament Committee.

Owned by memshoff On Tuesday, February 28, 2023