South Llano float (Rescheduled)
  Event has started, it is no longer possible to enroll.
Start Date/Time: Thursday, June 27, 2024
End Date/Time: Sunday, June 30, 2024
Recurring Event: One time event
Weekend / Beginner Skill
Event Photos:
Event Report:

Trip Initiator: Gary Zulko

Trip Description:

We will be paddling 3 different sections on the South Llano river.  The primary section is from the KC 150 bridge to the Llano State Park, this is nearly an 8 mile paddle, you can go as slow or fast as you like counting on how much you like to fish, it took me around 8-9 hours and I got in plenty of fishing.  The next two sections are accessed from Route 377, the highway cuts over the river like the vertical line in a $ sign, two of the river/road intersections are called the First and Second Crossing.  We'll be putting-in at the First Crossing to paddle downstream to the KC 150 bridge, you'll portage your kayak over the Second Crossing on the way back down.  It's not that long a paddle (little over 4 miles) so around 4-5 hours.  The third section is an upstream paddle to the South Llano Waterfall from the First Crossing, this is also not a long paddle but you will have to get out of your kayak in certain areas and drag it upstream over small rocky rapids.  It is not an area for heavy kayaks and you have to be very careful not to lose your footing.  The Waterfall is pictured on the old Pearl beer cans.

Counting on how many people make the trip we may break it into two groups, some of the best fishing is around the small rapids and we don't want these areas to be over crowded.  So half the group would take the KC 150 to Llano State Park trip on Friday and the other half take the First Crossing trips, then the groups switch trips on Saturday.  

For those who will be using their vehicle to transport people/kayaks back to the KC 150 bridge drop-in spot from the Llano State Park you will need to get a parking pass from the park for leaving your vehicle in the parking lot during the day.  We left those vehicles in the Park's parking lot the night before last year to save us time.  For the First Crossing put-in we will have to leave some vehicles around the KC 150 bridge to drive people back to get their vehicles at the First Crossing.

This trip is all based on the river flow/stage being manageable, I'll contact the State park to see if they can give us an update on the river conditions as the trip gets closer and see if any of the kayak outfitters than run the river daily can give us info as well.

This is a paddle trip so no peddle boats, the shallower your boat floats the better, every inch counts so pack light.  FYI people with a 16ft tarpon floated better than my 12ft tarpon.  A flat bottom kayak or a canoe works best.  You may want to leave your expensive Werner paddle at home as you will be pushing off of rocks.  Store everything inside your kayak or tie everything down tight as you may flip over and your stuff will float away downstream.  There are kayak outfitters around to rent kayaks if you do not have a non-paddle kayak or maybe someone in the group has a spare one to lend.  Let me know your situation and we'll see what we can do.

There are several lodging options close to the river. The Llano State Park has RV hookups and camp sites.  You will need to check on availability of camping spots at the Texas Parks & Wildlife website.  There are ticks around, I had to remove a few last time I camped at the park.  There are several motels in the Junction area, we stayed before at The Legends Inn, a small motel that was pretty good.  I've setup a group discount at The Legends, $60 a night for a single and $70 for a double, just say you want the PACK group discount.  We stayed at the two Bon Ton Roulet cabins in Junction last year by the KC 150 river access point, they were convenient for accessing the river but not comfortable for sleeping over two people.  If someone is going with a spouse it’s not a bad spot.  Check the Airbnb website for availability.  I've got a list of other lodging and food locations in the area if anyone is interested.

Americas Best Value Inn The Legends Inn
1908 Main Street, Junction, TX 76849

Cell service will be very limited, ATT and T-Mobile are the only ones that will probably work outside of Junction city limits. When on the river even those carriers may be unreliable.  Bring your radios.

The South Llano river area is a internationally recognized "Dark Sky" location so you'll also have the opportunity for great stargazing if you are camping. Last year we had a great view of the Starlink satellites passing over us.

The South Llano is considered one of the cleanest rivers in Texas, these waters are the primary source of drinking water for the city of Junction and other nearby residents.  There are a number of Water Purifier bottles and straws like LIFESTRAW on the market so you can drink straight from the river if you want too.


How to Sign Up:  After logging in and clicking on the [Enroll for this Event?] button at the top of this event page, contact Gary Zulko (Owner) via email link on the bottom left of this event page. He will update with with expected charges. But don't wait!  Open to PACK members with Dues Current first. 

How to Get There: Junction, Tx.

Kayak Outfitters in Junction, TX:

South Llano River Canoes & Kayaks
Junction, TX  (325) 446-2220

Tony's Kayaks
Junction, TX  (830) 609-8836

Items to bring on your kayak/canoe:

Radio, first aid kit, suntan lotion, small cooler and enough food/snacks/drinks to make it through a 7-10 hour trip.

MAPS / Photos of Interest:


Owned by GaryZ On Tuesday, February 20, 2024