Ft. Anahuac Trip Report
October 13, 2012
By Bill Berry
Eighteen Pack anglers joined together for the fourth annual PACK trip to Ft. Anahuac (gator capitol of Texas). We all arrived by first light with high tide, mosquitoes, and 5 mph SE wind. With weather perfect, how could it get any better? Well it did as many Reds, Trout and Flounder were caught. And it also got worse as each hour the wind increased until by noon we were fishing in up to 20 mph wind. Oh well it is a PACK trip! Parking area was a little crowded with our 14 vehicles and another 10 vehicles from non PACK anglers fishing this day. Everyone moved their vehicles out of launch site for parking so others could drive in to launch. Great cooperation by everyone.
We launched and headed into several directions to challenge the Ft. Anahuac Reds in the bay, islands and marshes. Most anglers had sight of another angler which makes Ft. Anahuac a good launch point and also because the fishing starts at the launch site.
Joseph Ochoa, Ron Romeis, Bruce Behrens, Craig Nifong, Jason Makepeace, Ron Massey, and Harold & Adrienne Perkins, all had varying catch numbers of Reds, Trout and Flounder. Good success was found in all areas.
By 3:30 p.m. we were off the water and headed home after a wonderful PACK day trip. No reported gator sightings this year. We had 5 anglers attend for their first PACK outing. |