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Wednesday, October 17, 2012
venue Change for Keith's Lake Trip
By Oleyakker @ 4:40 PM :: 1899 Views
I have decided to move the Keith's Lake trip to East Bay on Saturday Nov 3. The opening of duck season will make it a little tough to manage in the marshes on Keiths given the number of hunters and airboats in that area.

Therefore, instead, we will meet at Stingaree Marina at 0630. PACK has used that area many times before and I think everyone enrolled is familiar with the location and fishing options in that vicinity. There may also be a few duck hunters back in the marsh in East Bay  and we should be very careful not to intrude on their set ups. I'd recommend we all wear clothing with visibility in mind and if you can fly a flag on your boat please do so. Getting run over by an airboat, or other power boat is not a part of the trip plan.

If anyone has any questions about the location, etc. please send me a PM and I will get back to you.

Last year we had outstanding catches of flounder, reds, and trout that weekend in this same location.

Sorry for any inconvenience  the change may cause.