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Friday, March 3, 2017
April 9-11 "Fishing with Dean "Slowride" Thomas - The Complete Package!
By mullet_key @ 8:19 AM :: 1022 Views

[Trip Enrollment is Filled- see last paragraph for alternative participation] I'm so fired up after Dean Thomas' presentation at our February meeting on how much fun it is to fish Aranasas Pass, hang out with him and get some one on one guiding, I booked him and their Lodge for April 9th-11th.  This event will put you on the water and away from the weekend crowds.  The core trip is limited to 6 (need 4 more) due to the accommodations and the guiding. So if you are retired or have all those vacation days you never take, this PACK event is for you!

6 Participants must agree to stay 2 nights at the Slowride Lodge and fish both days guided by Dean. Estimated cost, lodging, guide, and tips:  will be determined very soon, but less than $300 each. The lodge has 5 beds, so participant #6 must bring a cot unless two of your are a couple then you can have your own room. Meal planning will be organized later.

If you are hoping to join us, please send me $75 by March 10th to hold your spot. If you cancel after submitting the deposit, we (you and I)  will work to get your spot back-filled and their deposit forwarded to you.  $75 balance due by April 2nd. Address: Chris Arceneaux; 2422 Brookdale Dr; Kingwood, TX 77339

Open to other PACK members but they must find their own lodging and make independent fishing arrangements. We can all hang out together at the Lodge swapping lies, grilling or frying fish. Photos of the Lodge below. Hope you will join us.
