PACK Members, the board wishes to thank Michael Emshoff for serving as the Club Secretary for last several years. As Blaine mentioned in his Sept. 23 News Article, that our Secretary position (as in all Positions) are open for nominations from the club. All the Board Member duties can be found in our Bylaws which is accessible from our [About PACK] page on the website. Specifically the Secretary, as described in Section 3, the duties include:
a. To keep a log of proceedings of the Club Meetings.
b. To maintain custody of all reports and documents connected with the Club.
c. To keep a current and correct Membership roster.
d.To conduct the Club Correspondence.
- Keeping a log of the meetings is the primary responsbility, whether attending in person or online. When abscent, another member can take notes.
- Maintaining club documents is covered by all board members and our webmaster.
- The VP can help with our membership roster.
In short, will one of you fine members nominate yourself to be our 2021 Secretary. I hope we hear from several of you. The nomination committee will get back in touch with you. Election is in December. Thank you, Chris Arceneaux V.P.