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Friday, November 3, 2023
Bolivar trip report
By unclejnb @ 4:39 AM :: 490 Views

Despite what the weather forecast said, the weather for the Bolivar trip was almost perfect, except for a little wind on Thursday. Some people caught fish, but overall, keepers were few and far between.

On Thursday, Melissa Holbrook caught a huge big ugly in the marsh. Bruce and Marvin did quite well at Yates. Joel snagged a nice flounder in the marsh along with two keeper trout and two very large sting rays. Surprisingly only one or two keeper reds were caught in the marsh all weekend. But what we lacked in fish, we made up in camaraderie and just a good time. Our group dinner was at the Stingeree Restaurant and 4 or 5 of us dined on fish that Bruce caught (and the restaurant cooked for us.) Joel ate his flounder which was stuffed with crab cake FOR AN EXTRA FREAKIN $20!

We did have a few minor inconveniences, however. Bill Leary's car died on the ferry and it took him an extra few hours to make it to the beach house. John Steigelwald hurt his shoulder and Ken Jennings took a bad fall and hit his head, leaving a large knot. Fortunately, it was not too serious. Will Henderson was kind enough to follow him home.

Besides the 9 or 10 guys staying at the beach house, there were another 4 people who found their own accommodations. 
Overall, it was a very nice relaxing weekend.

