Event Initiator: Chris Arceneaux
Event Description:
It's no secret that abandoned crab traps are year round Texas Bays killing machines. Christmas Bay Foundation has organized a crab trap roundup in late February.
Volunteers are sought to smash crab traps brought in by mainly airboaters. Some other shorebase duties may apply. You may be able to volunteer on the air boats. Some details in their Facebook post:
Facebook description link

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When the work is done, let's go fishing. Pack a lunch, we'll head out after lunch. Casual fishing, in Cold Pass, Churchill Bayou, Titlum-Tatlum, San Luis Pass, Christmas Bay and West Bay.
How to Sign Up:
If you want to go, login, click on [Enroll for this Event] tab on the top of this page to automatically have your name added to the list.
How to Get There: Put San Luis County Park in you favorite navigation device. Come through Galveston (toll bridge) or Freeport. Google Map Link:
San Luis Pass County Park - Google
MAPS / Photos of Interest: