Directions to Shamrock Cove at Port Aransas
Directions |
Miles |
South on US-59 (from Sugar Land) to Victoria |
109 |
Bear Left on US-77 South |
14 |
LEFT onto TX-239 to Tivoli |
11 |
RIGHT onto TX-239/TX-35 (follow TX-35 & 35-BR) to Aransas Pass |
41 |
Slight Left onto N Commercial St / TX-90 Loop South |
0.7 |
Left onto TX-361 / E Goodnight Ave (follow TX-361 signs to ferry) |
6 |
Ride across on Port Aransas Harbor Island Ferry |
- |
Exit ferry to the right onto Cutoff Rd (follow TX-361 signs) |
10 |
Turn Right (across from "The Sands" Condos) onto small sand road
(stay to the right along the beach past boat ramp as far as you can go) |
0.5 |
Total Distance (from Sugar Land) |
192 |