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Wednesday, November 18, 2020
November Pack Meeting
By Mr. B @ 8:23 PM :: 583 Views

Hello just a quick email about last night. I been pretty swamped this week and last night had a function to attend so Chris graciously agreed to head up the PACK meeting. Needless to say it was not the easiest task to get the Zoom system to allow me to let him be the Alternative Host but we thought we had it figured out doing a test run the night before all seemed well. Seems things started off ok and then the meeting was Zoom Bombed with some rather unpleasent stuff. 

Want to offer an apology to all as that was not the meeting we had planned and especially to any of our Lady members who were in attendance last night. 

I had the Zoom account set up as somewhat open to accomodate many with it being easy as possible. Up until now it has worked. But I did something different this time than all the other meetings. I posted the meeting and log in information on our web page as some had asked for it to be placed there for ease of access. I'm so not sure if that was how they accessed the log in or not. 

With that said there will be some changes to future Zoom meetings to try to prevent this from happening again. I am no Zoom expert and learning a lot of this as I go. Until now I have allowed all to just log in and go into the meeting even If I am not there so people could chat. With future meetings if the changes I made work out out you all will not be able to just go into the meeting, you will be put into a waiting room and then you will be allowed into the meeting once I clear you in after I log on to the meeting. I don't know if in the waiting room you will be allowed to talk to others so will have to see what happens. Another change I made is removing the privelage of all being able to share your screens. At this time I will be the only who can allow someone to share their screen. Until further notice I will not be placing the meeting log in information into the events page of the website, am still going back and forth with regard to when I will send out the notice of the meeting. It migth end up just being a couple days in advance but will see. If you call in from your phone with Audio it may ask you to put in a code but I am not sure how that setting works just yet still researching it. Hopefully will get some of the kinks worked out before the next meeting. 

We have also discussed some other possible changes with regard to the website and who can access it and what they can access but that is still in the discussion phase and Bruce may have to guide us on that. 

Sorry about all the changes and not trying to make things more difficult but for the time just trying to prevent another episode of last night and the only way I know how to do that at this time is pulling in the riens a bit on the freedoms and accesses to things (Dang I sound like a politician geez). Hopefully in the not to distant future we can go pack to live meetings at the PACK Center as in the past but not counting on that anytime soon the way the Mayor of Houston and the Judge are sounding.

On another note I have decided to cancel the Christmas Party for this year (Now I am scrooge (LOL) man what is happening to me). I don't know if the Sosa center would even allow it but not going to ask or look for another solution.  So based on the current situation just felt it was best to not go forward with it and risk anyone or the group at this time. Perhaps when things lighten up we can have spring party.

Anyway again just wanted to say sorry for last night and hopefully we can get this corrected and get back to some productive and informative meetings. Next month since we won't be having our normal party we will have Jared Easley speaking with us. 

Tight Liines and Happy Turkey Day

Blaine Tamplain
