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Trip Initiator: Ryan Woods
Trip Description: I have historically done well in this area during the colder winter months. The submerged grass normall found on the north end of Baroom Bay typically dies so I avoid this spot I normall love to fish. Instead i typically cross the bay into Big Bayou. There is a very deep channel that can tend to hold big trout and redfish thist time of year. There are additionally very nice sand bars and areas to sight cast tailing reds further south past the channel. We will play it by ear but these are the places i like to fish here. This spot is windy typically so make sure to keep that in mind but the Big Bayou is typically well protected from northerly and southerly winds. Paddletails and popping corks typically will do the trick for 90% of the fish i catch here. Make sure to bring a light if launching before first light. Also be prepared for a lot of boat traffic
*If cold, highly recomended to bring an extra change of clothes just in case your clothes get wet
How to Sign Up: Make sure all dues and waivers are complete and current
How to Get There: Google the Port O Connor fishing center. Once on the water head south across the Fisherman's Cut into baroom bay to the fishing grounds. LOTS of areas to fish
Video from Jan 2nd 2 years ago --> video
PACK Meetings are normally held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1414 Wirt Road, Houston, TX.