Guys and Gals, there is a long standing destination near Seadrift, TX that has has always produced good and sometimes funny memories. The club has been there about 10 times. It's called "Shoalwater Bay" on previous trip descriptions, you can look it up. NOTE: I cannot lead this trip, I have a commitment 4/13. So I'm
offering to complete the ground work, get you set up and turn it over to
you. I'm asking for a trip leader. It's easy, just take the participant list, complete with phone numbers, check off club members as they show up at Charlies and as you take out at Charlies. No more than that. Please reply directly to me if you will oversee this event.
Here are the facts: It's a 5.1 mile one-way paddle-in / paddle out. You can fish along the way. You bring tent, sleeping bag, frying pan + other got-to-have gear. Its doable, just scale down.Toting a conventional ice chest is a challenge. Taking fish on ice home is a bigger challenge. Cooking fish on the island is a good option.
You bring your own water and light source. The latrine area is around the corner, out of sight. The fishing is all around the bay, the Shell Bay shoreline and in open water such as Espiritb Santo Bay. The kayak landing on the island shoreline is a little muddy, not a show stopper.
The camp area is a very fine sand as seen in the attached photo and weblinks: