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Trip Initiator: Blake Colburn
Trip Description:
This is a fun trip to try. It's a beginner trip and a great and easy way to catch fish but the catch is that you either have to have a 4wd vehicle or ride with someone that has one. The pass itself is 4wd but everything else is 2wd friendly.
For those that don't want to make the drive and fish the same day, you can of course make hotel reservations in Corpus Christi or camp on the beach.
The back side of Yarborough Pass leads to a body of water just on the outside of the non-preasured and famous Baffin Bay. Baffin Bay is known for it's big trout! The tides should be up by this time, therefore, giving us opportunities of redfish in the shallows. Trout are usually easy to find. I have no problems finding them on a popping cork in approximately 4 to 5 ft of water.
If this day trip goes well and I have plenty of people sign up, I will consider doing a multi-day trip in the future. If you have questions on this trip, please don't hesitate to give me a call. 832-588-7091
How to Sign Up: Click on the link above to sign up.
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How to Get There: Launch time is at 7:00 am. Let's meet at the entrance of Yarborough Pass around 5:00 am so if anyone gets stuck, help can be provided and everyone can still get to the launch to fish at a decent hour.
Once you arrive at the entrance of the beach to PINS (Padre Island National Seashore), you can only take a right. Set your odometer to "0" and go down 15 miles. There will also be a mile markers. Go by the mile marker but set your odometer just in case. Once you make it down the beach 15 miles (this part of the beach is 2wd friendly), the entrance to Yarborough Pass will be there. The pass is only 40 - 50 yards long (this is the only part that will be 4wd). Once on the other side, the road is 2wd friendly. It will be around 1.5 miles and then we will be at the launch spot.
(((One last bit of information. There is no celular reception once you arrive on the PINS (Padre Island National Beach) beachline. )))
PACK Meetings are normally held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1414 Wirt Road, Houston, TX.